A new discovery! Not far from where we live is one of Cincinnati's parks. Mt. Ariy Forest is 1459 acres of trees, trails, frisbee golf, and a few streams that right now are pretty small, except when it rains. Spring really is trying to come but about 5 days our of 7 it gets kidnapped by winter. On one of those rare spring days we made our way to Mt Ariy Forest and hiked for a couple of hours on one of the many trails. Later in this entry I will include some more pictures of that little 'Venture. Today - April 16th starts another six week cycle for us. We have new missionaries arriving today. Tomorrow we will help get them to Centerville where they will meet there first companions. Also we have several going home - that is the other side of the transfer. We will help get them to the Columbus Temple for a session tomorrow then they will be off to continue their lives that they so willingly interrupted. One of the miracles ...
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